Set of surgical instruments

Manufacturer: Hermann

Origin: Germany


Instructions for cleaning standard tools

-The tool must be cleaned immediately after use.

-To avoid any pitting and rusting, do not store the device in physiological saline solution.

-Do not throw away tools to avoid any damage / deformation.

-For detergent / disinfectant please consider the concentration, temperature and time of the effect given by the manufacturer!


Use new solutions every day!

-The tools must be washed under running water after cleaning / disinfection. Tools must be dried immediately after washing.

-Please follow the manufacturer's instructions for lubrication solution for surgical instruments.

Wet steaming

- 134 ° C

- only use steam for sterilization purposes (= DIN 58946, Part 7).

- Accurate observation of Operating Instructions and Recommendations from Sterilizing equipment manufacturers!

Dry steamed

-180 ° - 220 ° C

- Accurate observation of Operating Instructions and Recommendations from Sterilizing equipment manufacturers!


Hammering tools

Portable scalpel
Surgical blade, sterile
Disposable, sterile scalpel
Surgical scissors
Finger pull and surgery
Hemostatic clamp